As well as being a classic from Etta James, I've finally got the new bike and a photograph of it for the blog header!
I collected it from BMW Motorrad Dealer Dick Lovett in Bristol yesterday, parting with some hard earned cash; I can only imagine that Dick Loved-it! I Presumably Motorrad dealers worldwide offer the same friendly and high level of service. I dealt with Luke and I can tell you he was extremely patient and knowledgeable when dealing with my many questions. Sadly they didn't supply one purely in Black and White so had to amend that in Lightroom...
Leica M, Noctilux
After leaving Bristol and getting to grips with the new machine I headed to Gloucester, no specific reason. I thought I'd visit the Docks area which in recent years has undergone huge regeneration. Port status was granted by Elizabeth I in 1580 and some of it's history is dealt with in the form of museums, the rest is mostly shops and fashion outlets which I highly doubt Elizabeth I had in mind and neither did I!
Leica M, Noctilux
The decision was made to pass on the retail therapy, not to linger and head home, just before though it was time for some Street Photography, the light was fabulous and perfectly suited to those backlit shots we so often see...
Leica M, Noctilux
Leica M, Noctilux
An all to brief first trip for the Leica Biker, I could have rode the 1200GSA for hours, handles beautifully and is extremely comfortable compared to the old girl (FJR 1300), which I must admit to some sadness when I left her behind. Equally I could have spent much longer taking photos, alas the weather was cold, the days short and I was ready for a Rioja!
That's all for now (Who said At Last?!), hopefully I'll get out again next week. Heading for somewhere in Wiltshire...
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