In the unlikely event that anyone is actually taking the time to read this blog, I insist on wishing you a Happy and Healthy 2017, thanks for dropping by. You'll note that I missed out the Prosperous part of my New Year wish; lets face it, even with the furthest stretch of the imagination most years end up far from prosperous, for me at least they are in the main part financially quite preposterous. Anyhow, no need to panic, this blog won't involve any zen motorcycle maintenance or camera reviews, instead I will be embarking on various tours usually once a week, documenting them using photos and the written word, I hope it will be of some interest. On occasion I may discuss photography in it's various forms, trips or other events which will possibly prove not to be of any interest whatsoever, but I'll probably carry on regardless! In writing this blog I'm attempting to unite two of my passions, photography and motorcycling.
In 2015 I sold all my Canon and Fuji kit (at a big loss, please don't fool yourself that your gear is worth anywhere near what you paid for it!), replacing it with Leica camera and lenses. I feel it's been a successful transition, the rangefinder and manual focus has, albeit debatably, improved my photography. I shoot weddings and portraits using the Leica as I did with the Canon and although it took some adjustment has worked well. Anyone who photographs weddings will tell you that it can be stressful enough even with a DSLR, therefore it was with some trepidation I took the plunge with the Leica. I've always used manual exposure settings, focussing however was a challenge although one fairly quickly mastered.
Wedding - Leica M (240), Summicron 35mm
In a few days I shall be collecting my new BMW 1200 GSA and leaving the 9 year old Yamaha FJR 1300 behind (photograph from some years ago below). It's been a great bike to own, but as with many things in life, time to move on. So, out with the old and in with the new, 2017 has a promising start, as long as the FJR starts that is and I manage to get to the dealer! This is a project, one that should prove to be fun as stories undoubtedly evolve.
Yamaha FJR 1300 - Canon 5D III, EF 24-70 L
If you wish to comment please do, I'd like to hear from you.