The Monthly Review
I'm a prolific photographer, that is to say I always have my camera with me whatever I'm doing, clearly that produces a lot of photographs. With that in mind I thought I'd create "The Monthly Review". It isn’t the ‘Best Of’, it’s merely some randomly selected shots from each month that maybe aren't included in my usual blogposts, images that might not have been uploaded to Facebook or Instagram, mostly it’s some that otherwise would never see the light of day, otherwise they’d simply be gathering digital dust. There won't be too many words from me, which I'm sure will come as a huge relief to everyone. I won't be posting "The Monthly" anywhere apart from my website, if you're interested in receiving it please subscribe using the box below which is titled ‘The Latest Leica Biker Blogposts Delivered To Your Inbox’. On then with this months output;
November 2019
All images can be opened by clicking on the thumbnails and are made using a Leica M.
As always my sincere thanks go to anyone taking the time to read this blog.