Not through any intellectual ability of course, oh no, on my motorbike! The scholastic life wasn't open to the likes of me; I left school at 15 years of age, home at 16 and went to work. Instead of sitting in my "rooms" discussing existentialism with my contemporaries, I was cleaning cars, waiting tables, driving a forklift truck, stacking supermarket shelves or carrying out one of countless other jobs I had as a teenager. I wish I'd worked harder at school, "youth is wasted on the young" and if I'd actually gone to university I'd be able to tell you instantly who it was that said that! I decided to shoot only the 35mm lens this week, it's what I use mostly for weddings. For example during last Saturdays wedding shoot (see Latest) 70% was captured using the 35mm, it really is my go to, do all lens.
I thought I'd pay a visit to the city of dreaming spires that I hadn't seen for many years. Not much has changed, a typical city in many ways with various industries, car manufacture at Cowley for example, but then there's also the oldest university in the English speaking world. An eclectic mix of people as one would expect, normal working citizens, the unemployable, tourists, students and members of the universities faculty all queue together at Starbucks. Lets not forget it's also a city of bicycles. Although there are so many wonderful buildings I'm drawn to photograph people. Here's a selection -
There are so many places to see, one place though that I really wanted to photograph was The Bodleian Library. There was a long discussion with the lady at the gate regarding photography whereby we both decided that I wasn't allowed or going to be taking any photos (it's a working library with over 12 million books) inside the building nor was I going to pay £8 to enter. Instead I strolled around the streets for a while before making my way to the Ashmolean Museum, where it was free to enter and photograph. A few more shots here outside the Sheldonian Theatre designed by Christopher Wren -
One thing about using a motorbike is that you need to layer up your clothing to keep warm, this I can confirm is a huge disadvantage when you find yourself pounding the streets for a few hours, hot and sweaty doesn't begin to cover it! So quickly before heading home I had a look around the Ashmolean Museum, I strongly recommend it, full of interesting art and artefacts coupled with some very helpful attendants.
Not the greatest quality of photos, but you can't win them all. I had a superb day and the bike ran like a dream. Finally, you probably know that I'm always going on about three, three in a photo should in theory be more appealing the eye. We'll finish with yet another failed attempt, I got three people yes, but also a girl in the window and some kind of selfie! Salisbury Cathedral will be the next instalment.
Three, no, four, no five or six!
As mentioned above, all photos were taken using a Leica M with 35mm Summicron Lens.
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